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Your event may be a good fit for remote interpreting, using platforms such as                                                 or even just 

Thanks to these new platforms, you can be anywhere, including your own home, and still have access to
high quality simultaneous interpreting provided by me.

All you need on your end is a computer with access to a video camera and good quality headsets if you are a presenter
or if you want to talk/be seen, or even just your smart phone or tablet /iPad if you are just listening to a webinar.

There are several good platforms on the market, and I am certified on a number of them.

Depending on your needs, I'll be able to guide you through the most suitable solution for you.


I am accredited on Kudo, with a Pro-Level Badge, attesting to my education, experience and professionalism


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Zoom logo


Ablio Badge
Ablio logo

My equipment for remote simultaneous interpreting includes:

A very fast and very reliable Internet connection:






A powerful computer




Three sets of good quality headsets (a main one and two spares):












An Ethernet cable,USB to Ethernet adaptor for my laptop and a Lightning to Ethernet adaptor for iPad:











An iPad and Apple Pencil (to visualize documents, to prep for assignments by annotating documents, to take notes)

Speed test
Comp data
Senheiser Headset
Jabra Evolve 40 headset
Senhaiser headset
Jabra headset
ethernet cable
Ipad ethernet adaptor
Apple pencil
Ethernet adapter
Logitech headset
Logitech 540

For in person events, for simultaneous interpreting, you will need equipment, as well.

I'll be happy to help you decide what kind of equipment is the most effective solution for your event.

I can help you rent a traditional booth, or portable radio equipment, or one of the newest Internet-based systems. 
Just let me know what your event is like, and I'll tell you what works best, in my experience.









Listen Equipment

This is my go-to portable kit for small events, up to 30-50 participants.
It's a bi-directional radio system, working on two difference frequencies,

one for the speaker/interpreter pair, and a different one for the interpreter/participant pair.
The  speaker uses a device with a lapel microphone, I hear their voice though my own device, with my own headsets. I interpret into my own boom microphone. 

Participants hear my voice through their device/headsets.
I can sit in the same room, though at a distance from the participants, so I won't disturb them.

No need for a booth, but excellent sound quality on both sides.

This solution works very well for groups of financial advisors listening to presentations from asset management companies, for example

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New York, NY - United States


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